A wish upon the moon


“I wish, I wish, upon the moon,
That my wishes will be granted soon,
These are the things I ask of you –
A happy home, and good health too,
a wealth of friends and peace of mind,
and that special love that’s hard to find.
Dispel my worries, allay my fears,
protect my loved ones and keep them near.
Please keep me safe, with those I love
and bless my life from up above…”

by Mary Jac


And whatever you wish for on this supermoon night, I hope it comes true 🙂



Never Stop Being YOU

Never stop caring about the little things in life
Never stop dreaming or give into strife 

Never stop building bridges that leads to better tomorrow
Never stop trying or give into sorrow 

Never stop feeling amazed at the beauty that surrounds you
Never stop hearing the music or give into the blues 

Never stop smiling and look forward to each new day
Never stop shining in your own special way
From Family Friend Poems
Image 1: from http://www.forwallpaper.com/
Image 2: from https://touchofmysaint.wordpress.com


From http://truewhisper.com

Who has impacted your life in a big way?

Whose life have you impacted in a big way?

We have all changed someone’s life – usually without even realizing it. In this funny talk, Drew Dudley calls on all of us to celebrate leadership as the everyday act of improving each other’s lives. We all have potential to be leaders.

Are you a LEADER?


Other worlds

DreamFrom Anonymous ART of Revolution

When you live in a world,
That you don’t understand,
It’s hard not to reach out,
With a shaking tired hand,
To a world that makes sense,
Though you know that it’s wrong,
Because this is a world,
Where you can sing the song.
This is a world
Where life makes sense to you,
Where the things people say,
And the things people do,
Don’t feel distant and foreign;
Instead they feel right,
You wear this world like a glove,
And you snuggle it tight.
But you know that it’s wrong,
And you know it won’t pay,
To live in this world,
For the rest of your days.
But for now it feels safe,
So you’ll stay for today.
Maybe tomorrow,
You’ll find a new way.

by Pooky H

From Pooky’s Poems

“But you know that it’s wrong…”

Is it wrong? Why do you think so?