The Liebster Blog Award


It looks like this month is the award month for me thanks to my dear blogger friends. Thanks a lot, Cristi, for nominating me for that award. Check out Cristi’s blog for some inspirational photos and quotes.

The rules are:

1. You are not allowed to nominate the person who nominated you.
He-he, wait till the next one comes down my way 🙂

2. Stick a pic of the award.
Easy-peasy. All done 🙂

3. Write 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.

Sorry, I’ll be a copycat this time, so I’ll pass Cristi’s questions. 🙂

1. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
2. Have you ever been to see an opera?
3. What country do you live in?
4. Favorite song ?
5. What is your favorite TV-Show ?
6. What is your favourite flower?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. What colour is your carpet?
9. Do you prefer snow or sun?
10. What is the favourite holiday location you have been to?
11. Who is your favourite artist living or dead?

4. Post 11 random facts about you.

Sorry, ran out of ideas, so got only 3 facts this time. Happy to answer any additional questions instead. 🙂

  • I can forgive and understand almost anything except betrayal of trust and lies
  • I rarely watch TV – had no time for that for the last 14 years. Don’t feel to be missing out much though 🙂
  • Love outdoor activities

5. Answer the 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.

1. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

The Hobbit (Cristi, I’m not copycatting you this time. It was truly the last film I watched. I watched it twice and loved it a lot, especially the beautiful New Zealand scenery and landscapes)

2. Have you ever been to see an opera?

Yes (lots and lots and lots, as well as ballet, as I was born in St Petersburg famous for its ballet)

3. What country do you live in?

New Zealand

4. Favorite song?

Lots and lots and lots. But for today it will be an old Russian song “Steppe, endless steppe”

5. What is your favorite TV-Show?

I watch TV very rarely. Probably, Myth Busters, as my children like it a lot.

6. What is your favourite flower?

I love simplicity. Any wild flower looks beautiful to me. I like living and growing flowers rather than cut ones in bouquets – don’t like watching them dying slowly in a vase.

7. Do you have any pets?

No, not any more as our lovely pussy cat died last year.

8. What colour is your carpet?


9. Do you prefer snow or sun?

Crisp snow on a sunny winter day – nothing can beat that.

10. What is the favourite holiday location you have been to?

New Zealand – I don’t want to go anywhere from here, even on a holiday.

11. Who is your favourite artist living or dead?

Leonardo da Vinci – one of the most diversely talented person ever to have lived on our planet. I find it amazing that one person could be so gifted in so many different areas.

6. Nominate 11 other bloggers:
With so many awards coming down my way this month, I am struggling  with the nomination bit. Therefore I would like to nominate all my followers. Thanks for following my blog, leaving your comments, sharing your thoughts and providing inspiration for me. I love your all. If you accept this award, please answer all the questions.

6 thoughts on “The Liebster Blog Award

  1. OneHotMess says:

    Thank you!

  2. Wow!
    Just for being wise enough to follow you!

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