649 thoughts on “About

  1. matheusyuhlung says:

    Thanks for the ‘Like’ mate. You’ve got an amazing blog as well. God bless!

  2. lorac888890 says:

    Thank you for your ”like” on my blog. It’s really nice to be on WordPress.

  3. Jane says:

    This is a lovely site; certainly want to read more of these poets. Thank you for picking up on my site as I would not been led to this one otherwise.

  4. ambient_memory says:

    Hello, I see you’re a consistent reader (if not someone who is a consistently appreciative) of my work and I just wanted to thank you for that because it literally made checking notifications worthwhile. Thank you so much. 😀

    P.S: You have a fabulous blog.

  5. How wonderful to connect via our blogs. Thanks for sharing all your posts with the world, inspirational, creative and inquisitive.

    Feel free to use posts/images from Nature’s Sweet Grace. (with a credit)

  6. trellabrazil says:

    what a great blog…will read often as I love your choice of topics and sayings…so empowering and life affirming. Keep up the good work.

  7. julie says:

    Thank you visiting my site, I’m glad I returned the favour because you have a; very thought-provoking site. Travel safe on your life’s path 🙂

  8. kmmmlayton says:

    Thanks for like on my blog. I really appreciate it! I like what you’re doing with your blog. =o)

  9. Thanks for liking my post:) Kudos to your interesting collection!

  10. DanayeElise says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Your blog is great…I love all the quotes. 🙂

  11. Thanks for the follow! I’m so glad to have found your inspiring site. Have a blessed day. 🙂

  12. Kate McManus says:

    I like your blog and have nominated you for a Liebster Award! If you’ve already participated or don’t fancy taking part, no worries, just enjoy the fact that I think your blog is awesome! If you do want to take part my post with the nomination can be found at lightravellerkate.wordpress.com
    Basically you need to share 11 things about yourself and nominate 11 other blogs. I do enjoy your posts
    Thanks Kate

  13. Baluja says:

    I appreciate the positive messages being covered in your blog, as well as your candidness and sincerity. Thank you for connecting with me, and feel free to use any of my material that you feel would be appropriate for one of your posts.

  14. Thank you for the follow, which has provided me with the opportunity to view your blog. I love your blog, which is extremely interesting. Thank you.

  15. Thanks for stopping by Attention Anonymous! Yours is a great blog to gain inspiration. Thank you for sharing such beautiful posts and speaking about communication. Love the positivity 🙂

  16. Thanks for visiting my blog! Love your setup and content!

  17. You have an amazing blog.

  18. Thanks for ‘liking’ my story ‘Firebirds”. I appreciate the visit and the feedback. I see you have an enormous and impressive collection of material on your site. I looking forward to reading some of it.

  19. ltownsdin says:

    Lots of interesting reading here. I’ll be back, and thanks for liking my post.

  20. Thank you for stopping by my side of WP. A wonderful like by you makes for a good start to the day. Stop by again, soon. Accidental Husband has been finished, now due for editing and cleanup.

    You have a wonderful site here, I commend you are your view of the world and your heart you put in it.

    Thank you again for your attention!

  21. Hi there Otrazhenie, thanks for ‘liking’ my story ‘Another Country’ and for visiting my blog. So much to read…;)

  22. claire says:

    Saw your like and dropped by. Liked what I saw will follow.

  23. Mahoney says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog, I love yours! Such an inspiring site and place to relax and enjoy. Keep up the good work, friend 🙂

  24. erikakind says:

    Congrats!!! I just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Take a look: http://wp.me/p4APKf-xL

  25. Thank you for ‘Like’ good luck with your blog

  26. A. L. Kaplan says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you stop by again.

  27. Hello, given the stature of this page, and your many avenues of writing, I am delighted to know your have visited my site. Thanks so much!

  28. sulagno13 says:

    Thank you soo much to like many of my writings in my blog. I feel very happy and delighted, and wana hear about your blog. It’s awesome. I wish i could write as beautiful like you ❤ 🙂

  29. Baijen says:

    Greetings Otrazhenie,
    Thank you for your appreciation of my post ‘A Bit of Disney in Bahrain’. I’m new to the blogging field and look forward to meeting you and others in the blogging world. May the insightful blogging continue.

  30. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking it. So glad it introduced me to you and yours. Your blog is fabulous and varied–lots to read and think about. I’m a new follower!

  31. Wow, I’m super impressed by your blog and really excited to read more of your work! I can’t believe you liked my post (it was a free write that I did to relax and also to get comfortable with writing for an audience called “Peaceful Passing Moment”), thank you! Also, your name really reminds me of “Ozymandias” by Percy Shelley. Shelley is one of my favorite poets from the Romantic era. Have you read it? You might like it!

  32. chelawriter says:

    Thanks for responding to my latest post. I see interesting things here and look forward to reading more of your blog as my limited time permits.

  33. I have LOVED my brief stroll here. I am now following, but long to come back for a history read. “Thoughtful” and “Kind” are the words I’m finding here…and mirroring back to you.

    I confess, I have already “pilfered” the Sadness Song by Michael Ortega…

    You’ve been an amazing start to a day I thought would begin quite differently…

  34. oneta hayes says:

    Sad Piano. Beautiful poetry in music and picture form.

  35. JC says:

    Thanks for liking my post and introducing me to your site! I feel like a kid in a candy factory… so much to check out! I am certain that I’ll be back time and again.

  36. ErikaKind says:

    Hi! One more nomination for The Very Inspriring Blogger Award for you :). Please feel free to participate. More information over here: https://erikakind.wordpress.com/2015/04/26/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award/

  37. Jenny says:

    Thanks for reading my post! You have a beautiful and thought-provoking collection here…I am intrigued, and will be back to visit often!

  38. Thanks for liking my post. You have nice collection of poems and all…stay blessed 🙂

  39. breakdownchick says:

    Hi there, I nominated you for The Premio Dardos Award,,if interested in participating, please visit: https://breakdownchick.wordpress.com/2015/07/22/the-premio-dardos-award/

  40. What a lovely blog you own!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking a recent post 🙂

    Happy blogging!
    Warm regards.

  41. clanton1934 says:

    Thank you for reading my blog(s). I read some of poetry on love. I am an advocate “Finding the good and praising it.” My logo is the zebra. I try to emphasize the white stripes. hppt://therogerspost.com/home/

  42. Thanks for liking my post and let me know of your blog. Loved your blog especially the Thoughts section, inspirational and beautiful !

  43. Lovely site! Thank you for the positive thoughts you help to spread in our world! Thank you also for your visit to my site! Blessings!

  44. pillai9 says:

    thank you for the like on theoriginalnutcase.wordpress.com !!
    i am shifting to a new blog, hoping for a fresh start in a lot of respects (: find me at 21femalealcoholic.wordpress.com if you’re ever free. cheers!

  45. Hillary LaMay says:

    Hello, the photo of the man and daughter kissing his cheek is our photo and you may not use it. Please kindly remove it. Thank you!

  46. Thank you for the “like” on my blog. The mystery of how bloggers connect invites me to contemplate other mysteries of life.

  47. Enviroart says:

    I love your site. Thankd for stopping by and liking mine :)-

  48. Thanks for the like, love your site, you’ve been around a while as I have. I started on Google in February of 08 and eventually moved here, I still cut and paste on occasion on the Blogspot site, thefidd.blogspot.com

  49. darellphilip says:

    Thanks for liking my blog! You have an awesome blog here too! 😀🙏💛👊🎉

  50. Magda says:

    love your stuff!
    especially the DUST IF YOU MUST post.
    Keep going. You DO make a difference.

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