My July Bouquet of Super Awards!


My dear friend Ajay brightened the gloomy chilly winter days in my part of the world with a beautiful Bouquet of Super Awards. Thanks a lot, Ajay. I always appreciate your kindness and encouragement. Your blog posts warm my soul even on the coldest and most miserable days.

I would like to share this bouquet with all bloggers, who need a bit of inspiration, light or warmth in their lives. Be kind to yourself and no matter how gloomy your day might be, try to find a ray of sunshine in your life. It is always there for you, even though sometimes it might be obscured by dark stormy clouds. πŸ™‚



13 thoughts on “My July Bouquet of Super Awards!

  1. Ajaytao2010 says:

    Thank you so much dear

  2. Congratulations and God bless you!

  3. dadhwalashish says:

    Congratulations, you will be serving as role model for new entrants in blogging. Lovely achievement.

    • Otrazhenie says:

      Thanks for your kind words. I still feel as a pretty new entrant to blogging myself – my blog had its first anniversary today. It was a very enjoyable year. I’ve learnt a lot from other bloggers and enjoyed meeting new friends in the bloggosphere. Looking forward to many more blogging years πŸ™‚

  4. annesquared says:

    Thank you ~ inspiring as always!

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