37 thoughts on “Surround yourself with people who know your worth…

  1. Ajaytao2010 says:

    Please visit my new blog, hope you like it 🙂
    thank you so much dear 🙂

  2. Elouise says:

    This is beautiful. Right when I needed to be reminded. Thanks so much.

  3. adoreadoe says:

    So true !

  4. Quite natural and touching desire – depicted beautifully in your lyrics
    with regards

  5. Mélanie says:

    I totally, absolutely and definitely agree with that quote… I’ve done it for decades! 🙂 have a positive week, surrounded by folks who do know your true value… 😉

  6. lolsy254 says:

    One of my biggest lessons this year!

  7. dliw canis says:

    Reblogged this on dliwcanis.

  8. viapina says:

    I shared it on viapina.blogspot.ie
    Thanks, P x

  9. Profound but simple!

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