23 thoughts on “There is only one success…

  1. luggagelady says:

    Brilliant share…Loved!! Thank YOU! 🙂

  2. Reblogged this on Clarabelle and commented:
    I really liked this blog post and delighted to see a lot of my own core values in there too. Enjoy this wee video. Clarabelle

  3. Perfectly put! We all should strive to be like this.

  4. great comparison; perfectly put

  5. WilderSoul says:

    I am going to print this out in the morning and hang it up in my house! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Ajaytao2010 says:

    No posts these days


    • Otrazhenie says:

      Hi Ajay,
      Unfortunately, had too many work committments. Will get back to blogging soon. Hope everything is well with you. Loved your recent posts. You are so good in finding beautiful images and wise quotes. Thanks for sharing them.

      • Ajaytao2010 says:

        I Am fine dear, but missed wise company with you

        with you so finish off your work and again come & share those wise thoughts

  7. This is exactly what I’ve been thinking about and discussing recently. My wife really can’t understand that you make yourself happy from the inside!

  8. Nancy says:

    A good reminder for me today. Glad I found your blog. Thanks for visiting mine.

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